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A brand activation can be executed in many different ways depending on what your business offers and what kind of exposure you are aiming for. From events to an online launch, using a brand activation to launch your business or product/service can be a successful way to get your brand out there.

Here are 5 Tips to keep in mind:

1. How will you launch your brand?
The 2 most popular methods are either organising an event or creating an online digital launch. Decide which one would work best for your service/product in terms of where you can most effectively reach your target audience and get the most exposure.

2. Decide on a concept
Whether you are launching online or with an event, your concept needs to be strong, unique, and clear. Decide on a theme, a hook, which will draw people’s attention and make them curious about your business.

3. It’s not just about you
Think carefully about who your audience is. Create an audience profile to figure out what they like, what they will connect with, and what would make them talk about your business after the launch – how are you going to effectively capture their attention?

4. Social Media Advertising
When you have a plan in place, it’s time to begin advertising your activation. Create clear, consistent brand designs for social media, and make sure to market your launch where your target audience will see it online.

5. Branding & Merchandise
If you are hosting an event be sure to have some branded merchandise to sell or give away to your attendees. In the case of a digital activation, why not end it with a giveaway? The idea is to stick in the minds of your audience – what can you do to be memorable?
For more important tips for an effective Brand Activation, such as budgeting, planning, engagement, and entertainment, have a look at these articles:

Ready to introduce your business to the world? Visit our website here – https://www.digitalexpress.co.za/event-branding – and let’s bring your brand to life!
Here are some photos of a recent brand activation we assisted with for UWC and McDonald’s South Africa: